Carli Cooperstein

Why CompLit?

Beyond being home to a highly personalized academic environment, Comp Lit is the warmest, most welcoming and inclusive community I have encountered at Harvard. As a Comp Lit concentrator, I am given me the opportunity to tailor my studies to my direct areas of interest while pushing the bounds of my knowledge into new domains. I am particularly grateful for the individualized nature of Comp Lit – by working directly with professors and grad students, I can feel the effects of studying at a high level and am learning from true thought-leaders in the field.


Mather House, carlicooperstein AT college

Languages: French, Italian
Tutorial interest: I work primarily in French and Italian, particularly curious about instances of involuntary memory and sensory connection in literature. I also am interested in exploring the genre of diary work, as well as art and architecture that evoke similar themes.