Secondary Field in Comparative Literature

General Informations

Comparative Literature offers a secondary field for students who are interested in the study of literature, literary and cultural theory, and other forms of representation in more than one culture or language. More information about the Comparative Literature secondary field can be found in the Harvard College Handbook for Students.
2024-2025_Complit Secondary Field_Handbook

All students interested in pursuing a secondary field in Comparative Literature should contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sandra Naddaff, as soon as possible to discuss their program of study. Please note that COMPLIT 97, the Sophomore Tutorial offered every Spring semester, is required of all secondary field students in Comparative Literature and should be taken in the spring of the student’s sophomore year. Students should contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies before the end of the fall semester to discuss their interest.

The DUS will be responsible for advising these students, although the expectation will be that students working towards a secondary field in Comparative Literature will monitor their own progress towards fulfillment of the requirements.