Suggestions from Comparative Literature faculty and students for places to present and publish your work (suggestions welcome – this list is currently under construction)
TAPA (Transactions of the American Philological Association)
International Journal of the Classical Tradition
Classics@ (the Center for Hellenic Studies’ online journal)
SCS (Society for Classical Studies)
Comparative Literature Studies
Journal of World Literature (Brill)
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture.
See also List of ACLA Journals
ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association)
MLA (Modern Language Association)
MMLA (Midwest Modern Language Association)
NeMLA (New England Modern Language Association)
SLSA (Society for Literature, Science and the Arts)
Yale Comparative Literature Graduate Student Conference
Graduate Student Papers on Cultural Politics (The Weatherhead Center)
Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture
CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews)
Harvard Asia Quarterly (Harvard Asia Center)
Chinese Comparative Literature Association
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference
Association for Japanese Literary Studies Annual Conference
NEKST (NextGen Korean Studies Scholars)
ECS (Eighteenth Century Studies)
ELH (English Literary History)
JEGP (Journal of English and German Philology)
SEL (Studies in English Literature)
MP (Modern Philology)
ASECS (American Society of 18th-c Studies)
NASSR (North American Society for the Study of Romanticism)
BARS (British Association for Romantic Studies)
NAVSA (North American Victorian Studies Association)
Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature
French Studies (UK)
MLA (Modern Languages Association)
20th and 21st Century French and Francophone Colloquium
19th century French Studies Association
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (Lexington)
Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturund Geistesgeschichte
GSA (German Studies Association)
The Slavic and East European Journal
AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages)
ASEEES (Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies)
Founded as a graduate program in 1904 and joining with the undergraduate Literature Concentration in 2007, Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature operates at the crossroads of multilingualism, literary study, and media history.
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