Recent PhD Dissertations

Parallel Members – Parallelism, Translation and Sacred Poetry, 1741-1929
Márton Farkas

Sanitizing Narratives: Urban Health in Nineteenth-Century European Fiction
Jacob Meister

The Parascientific Method: Thresholds of History in and beyond Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction
Michael O’Krent

Postdramatic African Theater and Critique of Representation
Oluwakanyinsola Ajayi

Troubling Diaspora: Literature Across the Arabic Atlantic
Phoebe Carter

The Contrafacta of Thomas Watson and Simon Goulart: Resignifying the Polyphonic Song in 16th-century England and France
Joseph Gauvreau

Of Unsound Mind: Madness and Mental Health in Asian American Literature
Carrie Geng

Cultural Capitals: Postwar Yiddish between Warsaw and Buenos Aires
Rachelle Grossman

Blindness, Deafness, and Cripping the Grounds of Comparison in Comparative Literature
Kathleen Ong

Counter-Republics of Letters: Politics, Publishing, and the Global Novel
Elisa Sotgiu

Red Feminism: The Politics and Poetics of Liberation
Botagoz Ussen

Correlative Object Ontology: Pragmatism and Objects of Literary Interpretation
Mehmet Yildiz

Performing the Author-Translator Across Shores: Japanese Refractions of World and Latin American Literature in the 20th Century
Manuel Azuaje-Alamo

Democratic Performances: How Theater Creates the People
Aurélien Bellucci

Recovering the Language of Lament: Modernism, Catastrophe, and Exile
Sarah Corrigan

Beyond Diaspora:The Off Home in Jewish Literature from Latin America and Israel
Lana Jaffe Neufeld

The Uses of Śeṣa: Sacrificial Leftovers, Supplements, and Subjects in Derrida, Jaimini, and Rāmānuj
Aditya Menon

The Intention of the Spirit: Air, Breath, and Voice in European Poetry and Philosophy
Alberto Parisi

‘Through the Looking Glass’: The Narrative Performance of Anarkali
Aisha Dad

Indeterminate “Greekness”: A Diasporic and Transnational Poetics
Ilana Freedman

Imagined Mothers: The Construction of Italy, Ancient Greece, and Anglo-American Hegemony
Francesca Bellei

The Untimely Avant-Garde: Literature, Politics, and Transculturation in the Sinosphere (1909-2020)
Fangdai Chen

Recovering the Language of Lament: Modernism, Catastrophe, and Exile
Sarah Corrigan

Beyond Diaspora: The Off Home in Jewish Literature from Latin America and Israel
Lana Jaffe Neufeld

Artificial Humanities: A Literary Perspective on Creating and Enhancing Humans from Pygmalion to Cyborgs
Nina Begus

Music and Exile in Twentieth-Century German, Italian, and Polish Literature
Cecily Cai

We Speak Violence: How Narrative Denies the Everyday
Rachael Duarte Riascos

Anticlimax: The Multilingual Novel at the Turn of the 21st Century
Matylda Figlerowicz

Forgetting to Remember: An Approach to Proust’s Recherche
Lara Roizen

The Event of Literature:An Interval in a World of Violence
Petra Taylor

The English Baroque:The Logic of Excess in Early Modern Literature
Hudson Vincent

Porte Planète; Ville Canale –parisian knobs /visually/ turned to \textual\ currents
Emma Zofia Zachurski

‘…not a poet but a poem’: A Lacanian study of the subject of the poem
Marina Connelly

The Tune That Can No Longer Be Recognized: Late Medieval Chinese Poetry and Its Affective Others
Jasmine Hu

The Invention of the Art Film: Authorship and French Cultural Policy
Joseph Pomp

Apocalypticism in the Arabic Novel
William Tamplin

The Sound of Prose: Rhythm, Translation, Orality
Thomas Wisniewski

The New Austerity in Syrian Poetry
Daniel Behar

Mourning the Living: Africa and the Elegy on Screen
Molly Klaisner

Art Beyond the Norms: Art of the Insane, Art Brut, and the Avant-Garde from Prinzhorn to Dubuffet (1922-1949)
Raphael Koenig

Words, Images and the Self: Iconoclasm in Late Medieval English Literature
Yun Ni

Europe and the Cultural Politics of Mediterranean Migrations
Argyro Nicolaou

Voice of Power, Voice of Terror: Lyric, Violence, and the Greek Revolution
Simos Zenios

Every Step a New Movement: Anarchism in the Stalin-Era Literature of the Absurd and its Post-Soviet Adaptations
Ania Aizman

Kino-Eye, Kino-Bayonet: Avant-Garde Documentary in Japan, France, and the USSR
Julia Alekseyeva

Ambient Meaning: Mood, Vibe, System
Peli Grietzer

Year of the Titan: Percy Bysshe Shelley and Ancient Poetry
Benjamin Sudarsky

Metropolitan Morning: Loss, Affect, and Metaphysics in Buenos Aires, 1920-1940
Juan Torbidoni

Sophisticated Players: Adults Writing as Children in the Stalin Era and Beyond
Luisa Zaitseva

Collecting as Cultural Technique: Materialistic Interventions into History in 20th Century China
Guangchen Chen

Pathways of Transculturation: Chinese Cultural Encounters with Russia and Japan (1880-1930)
Xiaolu Ma

Beyond the Formal Law: Making Cases in Roman Controversiae and Tang Literary Judgments
Tony Qian

Alternative Diplomacies: Writing in Early Twentieth-Century Shanghai, Istanbul, and Beyond?
Alice Xiang

The Literary Territorialization of Manchuria: Rethinking National and Transnational Literature in East Asia from
the Frontier
Miya Qiong Xie

World Literature and the Chinese Compass, 1942-2012
Yanping Zhang

Anatomy of ‘Decadence’
Henry Bowles

Medicine As Storytelling: Emplotment Strategies in Doctor-Patient Encounters and Beyond (1870-1830)
Elena Fratto

Platonic Footnotes: Figures of Asymmetry in Ancient Greek Thought
Katie Deutsch

Children’s Literature Grows Up
Christina Phillips Mattson

Humor as Epiphanic Awareness and Attempted Self-Transcendence
Curtis Shonkwiler

Ethnicity, Ethnogenesis and Ancestry in the Early Iron Age Aegean as Background to and through the Lens of the Iliad
Guy Smoot

The Modern Stage of Capitalism: The Drama of Markets and Money (1870-1930)
Alisa Sniderman

Repenting Roguery: Penance in the Spanish Picaresque Novel and the Arabic and Hebrew Maqāma
Emmanuel Ramírez Nieves

The “Poetics of Diagram”
John Kim

Dreaming Empire: European Writers in the Fascist Era
Robert Kohen

The Poetics of Love in Prosimetra across the Medieval Mediterranean
Isabelle Levy

Renaissance Error: Digression from Ariosto to Milton
Luke Taylor

The New Voyager: Theory and Practice of South Asian Literary Modernisms
Rita Banerjee

Be an Outlaw, Be a Hero: Cinematic Figures of Urban Banditry and Transgression in Brazil, France, and the Maghreb
Maryam Monalisa Gharavi

Bāgh-e Bi-Bargi: Aspects of Time and Presence in the Poetry of Mehdi Akhavān Sāles
Marie Huber

Freund-schaft: Capturing Aura in an Unframed Literary Exchange
Clara Masnatta

Class, Gender and Indigeneity as Counter-discourses in the African Novel: Achebe, Ngugi, Emecheta, Sow Fall and Ali
Fatin Abbas

The Empire of Chance: War, Literature, and the Epistemic Order of Modernity
Anders Engberg-Pedersen

Poetics of the unfinished: illuminating Paul Celan’s “Eingedunkelt”
Thomas Connolly

Towards a Media History of Writing in Ancient Italy
Stephanie Frampton

Character Before the Novel: Representing Moral Identity in the Age of Shakespeare
Jamey Graham

Transforming Trauma: Memory and Slavery in Black Atlantic Literature since 1830
Raquel Kennon

Renaissance Romance: Rewarding the Boundaries of Fiction
Christine S. Lee

Psychomotor Aesthetics: Conceptions of Gesture and Affect in Russian and American Modernity, 1910s-1920s
Ana Olenina

Melancholy, Ambivalence, Exhaustion: Responses to National Trauma in the Literature and Film of France and China
Erin Schlumpf

The Poetics of Human-Computer Interaction
Dennis Tenen

Novelizing the Muslim Wars of Conquest: The Christian Pioneers of the Arabic Historical Novel
Luke Leafgren

Secret Lives of the City: Reimagining the Urban Margins in 20th-Century Literature and Theory, from Surrealism to Iain Sinclair
Jennifer Hui Bon Hoa

Archaic Greek Memory and Its Role in Homer
Anita Nikkanen

Deception Narratives and the (Dis)Pleasure of Being Cheated: The Cases of Gogol, Nabokov, Mamet, and Flannery O’Connor
Svetlana Rukhelman

Aesthetic Constructs and the Work of Play in 20th Century Latin American and Russian Literature
Natalya Sukhonos

Stone, Steel, Glass: Constructions of Time in European Modernity
Christina Svendsen