David Damrosch gives the acceptance speech for the 2023 Balzan Prize

November 17, 2023

David Damrosch

2023 Balzan Prize for World Literature

Each year, the Milan-based Balzan Prize Foundation awards four prizes in emergent fields of scholarship, two in natural sciences and two in humanities or social sciences. This year, one of the four fields was World Literature, and the foundation has awarded the 2023 prize to David Damrosch. The award cites David’s “creative approach to world literature as a transnational circulation of works that remain alive because they are received and modified beyond their culture of origin,” and “his astonishing knowledge of Western and non-Western literatures in all their geographic breadth and historical depth.” Half of the award will be used in support of young researchers and bringing participants from underrepresented regions of the world to the Institute for World Literature. Congratulations, David!

watch a video of the speech