The courses below are suggestions; students should inquire with the DUS about other options, as this list is not complete:
COMP LIT 108: Translating World Literature |
COMP LIT 108X: Translating the World |
COMP LIT 109: On Translation |
COMPLIT 260: Literary Translation: Advanced Workshop |
FRSEMR 36G: The Creative Work of Translating |
GEN ED 1057: Poetry Without Borders |
GERMAN 111: Translating German: Theory and Practice |
SPANISH 165: Bilingual Arts |
SPANISH 80t: Words of Which History is Made |
SPANISH 80TS: Translating Boundaries in Spain |
Translation Studies 260: Literary Translation Workshop |
Translation Studies 280: Exploring Translation Studies: History, Theories, the State of the Art |
COMPSCI 252R: Advanced Topics in Programming Languages |
EASTD 260: The Lotus Sutra: Texts, Narratives, and Translations |
ENGLISH 102: Introduction to Old English: Heroes, Heaven, and Hell |
ENGLISH 102E: Introduction to Old English: Landscape, Seascape, and Early Ecologies |
ENGLISH 103: Old English: Working with Manuscripts |
ENGLISH 103W: Advanced Old English: Wisdom Poetry |
FRENCH 16: Reading, Understanding and Translating Written French for Research |
GERMAN 111: Translating German: Theory and Practice |
GREEK, LATIN, MODERN GREEK: All 100-level courses |
ITAL 16: Understanding and Translating Written Italian for Research |
JAPAN 106A: Classical Japanese |
JAPAN 106C: Later Classical Japanese |
LING 90A: Advanced ASL Tutorial I |
LING 90B: Advanced ASL Tutorial II |
RUSSIAN 102: Advanced Russian: Introduction to the Language of the Social Sciences and the Media |
SPANISH 109: Displacing Spain: Translating Transatlantic Poetry on 20th- and 21st-Century Spain |
SWEDISH 20A: Intermediate Swedish: Childhood in Swedish Literature and Culture |
SWEDISH 20B: Intermediate Swedish |
TIBET 102A: Intermediate Classical Tibetan |
TIBET 102B: Intermediate Classical Tibetan |
VIETNAM 130: Advanced Vietnamese |
ANTHRO 1640: Language and Culture |
AFVS 215: Critical Printing |
COMPLIT 120: Argentine Tango: Poetry, Music, and the Dance |
COMPLIT 121: From the 1001 Nights to the Arabian Nights: Adaptations, Transformations, and Translations |
COMPLIT 134: World Cinema |
COMPLIT 210Y: Transmediating Love Literature |
COMPLIT 238: After Orientalism: Writing across Arabic-Ilsamic Contact Zones |
COMPLIT 252: The Literatures of Medieval Iberia: Approaches to Translation in their Comparative Study |
COMPLIT 277: Literature, Diaspora and Global Traumas |
COMPSCI 181: Machine Learning |
COMPSCI 187: Computational Linguistics |
EABS 256R: Chinese Buddhist Texts–Readings in Medieval Buddho-Daoist Documents |
ENG 290MH: Migration and the Humanities |
FRSEMR 62T: Migrants in Fiction and Film |
FRSEMR 64O: Migratory Identities |
HIND-URD 123: Bollywood and Beyond: Commercial Cinema, Language and Culture in South Asia |
KOREAN 214: Korean Writers and Their Books |
LING 101: The Science of Language |
LING 102: Sentence Structure |
LING 106: Knowledge of Meaning |
LING 112: Syntactic Theory |
LING 83: Language, Structure, Cognition |
PHIL 147: Philosophy of Language |
SAS 183: The Vernacular in South Asia |
SLAVIC 177: Fugitives from Utopia: Polish Poets Across the Iron Curtain |
TDM 147: Deconstructing a Novel into a Dance with Mario Zambrano |
TDM 147L: The Processes of Inter-Media and Choreographic Exchange |
TDM 169C: Uproot Aesthetics: Interdisciplinary Temporalities in Performance with Jace Clayton |
TDM 169L: Immersive Storytelling Using Mixed Media with Young Joo Lee |
Founded as a graduate program in 1904 and joining with the undergraduate Literature Concentration in 2007, Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature operates at the crossroads of multilingualism, literary study, and media history.
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