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Christie McDonald

Research Professor of Comparative Literature

Smith Research Professor of French Language and Literature


Research Fields: The dialogue of literature, philosophy, anthropology and the arts; literary history, theory and cultural studies; 18th-20th and 21st literature in French; Feminism; Questions of Change in Thought

Education:  B.A., Mount Holyoke College; Ph.D., Yale University

Selected Works: Forthcoming in Femmes, littérature. Une histoire culturelle: 1715-1793 (Gallimard, 2019).  Co-ed.: Proust and the Arts (2015), with François Proulx; Rousseau and Freedom (2010), with Stanley Hoffmann; French Global: A New Approach to Literary History, (2010, French translation, 2014), with Susan Suleiman; Ed., Painting My World: the Art of Dorothy Eisner (2009) and Images of Congo: Anne Eisner’s Art and Ethnography, 1946-58 (2005). Co-ed: Transformations: The Languages of Culture and Personhood after Theory (1994); L’Oreille de l’autre….Textes et débats avec Jacques Derrida (1982), English translation, The Ear of the Other (1988). Author: The Proustian Fabric (1991); Dispositions (1986); The Extravagant Shepherd. A Study of the Pastoral Vision in Rousseau’s Nouvelle Héloïse (1973, 2007).
