
Contact Information

Office: Dana-Palmer 201


Office Hours: Spring 2025: Monday 5-6:30pm or by appointment



David Damrosch

Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Comparative Literature

Director, Institute for World Literature

Research Fields: A past president of the American Comparative Literature Association, David Damrosch has written widely on comparative and world literature from antiquity to the present. Theory and methods of comparative literature and world literary studies; Bible and ancient Near Eastern literatures; modern European and global Anglophone literatures. Current research projects include a book on the role of global scripts in the formation of national literatures.

Education: B.A. 1975, Ph. D. 1980, Yale University

Downloadable CV: CV

Selected Works: His books include The Narrative Covenant: Transformations of Genre in the Growth of Biblical Literature (1987), We Scholars: Changing the Culture of the University (1995), What is World Literature? (2003), The Buried Book: The Loss and Rediscovery of the Great Epic of Gilgamesh (2007), How to Read World Literature (2d edition 2017), Comparing the Literatures: Literary Studies in a Global Age (2020), and Around the World in 80 Books (2021), and a translation of Georges Ngal’s Giambatista Viko: ou Le viol du discours africain, for the MLA’s “Texts and Translations” series (2022). He is the founding general editor of the six-volume Longman Anthology of World Literature (2004, 2007), and the editor or co-editor of two dozen other books, including Teaching World Literature (2009), The Princeton Sourcebook in Comparative Literature (2009), The Routledge Companion to World Literature (2011), Ultraminor Literatures (2022), and World Literature and Postcolonial Studies (2023). His work has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Estonian, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese.



Giambatista Viko; or, The Rape of African Discourse: An MLA Translation (MLA Texts and Translations) by Georges Ngal, translated and edited by David Damrosch

David Damrosch

Around the World in 80 Books

David Damrosch

November 2021

David Damrosch’s “Comparing the Literatures: Literary Studies in a Global Age”

David Damrosch

April 2020
