
Contact Information

Office: Barker Center 265

Office Hours: Spring 2025 TBD



Marc Shell

Irving Babbitt Professor of Comparative Literature and English

Research Fields: Economics & Aesthetics; Nationhood & Language Difference; Kinship Studies; Non-English Languages & Literatures of the United States; Disability & Medical Studies; Renaissance; Island Studies; Comparative Literature; Theory.

Education: B.A. Stanford, 1968; Ph.D.  Yale, 1975.

Selected Works: The Economy of Literature (1978); Money, Language and Thought: Literary and Philosophical Economies from the Medieval to the Modern Era (1982); The End of Kinship: “Measure for Measure,” Incest, and the Ideal of Universal Siblinghood (1988); Children of the Earth: Literature, Politics, and Nationhood (1994); Elizabeth’s Glass: with “The Glass of the Sinful Soul” (1544) by Elizabeth I and “Epistle Dedicatory” and “Conclusion” (1548) by John Bale (1994); Art & Money (1995); American Babel (2002); Polio and Its Aftermath (2005); Stutter (2006), Wampum and the Origins of American Money (2013), Islandology: Geography, Rhetoric, Politics (2014), Talking the Walk & Walking the Talk: A Rhetoric of Rhythm (2015) .

Talking the Walk & Walking the Talk: A Rhetoric of Rhythm

Marc Shell

September 2015

Islandology Geography, Rhetoric, Politics

Marc Shell

October 2014
