Prospective Students

Undergraduate Program

The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature at Harvard prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections and inter-connections among literatures, cultures, media, and disciplines.

You can find a full description of Comparative Literature and concentration requirements on the website of the Harvard College Handbook for Students in this document: Fields of Concentration.
2024-2025_Comp Lit_Concentration_Handbook

We have organized a few events for prospective concentrators and look forward to seeing you there!

Life After Comp Lit:

Students who have concentrated in Comparative Literature have gone on to careers in a variety of fields: academics, journalism, film, law, medicine, and business, among others. Please see our Alumni List for information about some of our graduates.

We welcome your questions throughout the year:

If you are interested in concentrating in Comparative Literature, our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Sandra Naddaff, will be happy to answer any of your questions. She holds office hours by appointment on Calendly. You may also email her directly ( with any questions you might have.