Schofield Fund Publication Policy
Applications to the fund will be reviewed once a year; the application deadline for 2025 is March 31, 2025. Application materials should consist of a cover letter and a firm contract to publish. If the contract depends upon a subvention, please submit this in writing (either a letter from the publisher or a written explanation from the applicant regarding the contractual disposition of a subvention). All awards are for $2,000; a budget is not required. Please submit all application materials to the department administrator (
1. Eligible applicants include present faculty in the department at the rank of Lecturer and above, and former students who earned their PhD in the department. Under special circumstances, and at the discretion of the department, an undergraduate alumna or alumnus may apply to the Fund.
2. Eligible applicants may apply to the Publication Committee if they have a book contract in hand for a scholarly work, a monograph or edited collection, of at least 50,000 words on a subject that involves literary studies and criticism. Publication format may be hardbound, softbound, e-book, or a combination. Eligible applicants are limited to one application per academic year. The contract may be for publication of such a work or for aiding in the translation of such a work. The contract in question must be a finalized contract approved by the editorial board or editorial committee of a press. A preliminary contract issued only by an acquisitions editor will not be considered.
3. Eligible applicants must also follow the stipulations stated in 5. and 6. below.
4. The Publication Committee will decide if the contract and work qualify under the terms of this policy. The decision of the Committee will be final.
5. The Department and the Publication Fund will also encourage all eligible applicants to apply, when appropriate, to the Tenured Faculty Publication Fund, the Anne and Jim Rothenberg Publication Fund, and any other FAS and University funds available to applicants who are also eligible for the Schofield Fund.
6. It is expected that applicants to the Schofield Fund will avail themselves of other funds (see 5. above) and will report in their applications to the Schofield Fund what other University and FAS resources they have drawn upon or applied to for the purpose of publishing the work in question. Recourse to other awards, however, will generally not prejudice a potential award from the Schofield Fund.
7. Recognizing that a press may be more willing to issue a contract with the certainty that a subvention will be provided, the Publication Committee will, on request, write a letter to the applicant indicating that a subvention will become available once the conditions outlined above are met. For this purpose the Committee may wish to review the manuscript of the work at the time of that request.
8. Awards of previous years shall be honored under the terms associated with those awards. However, if after a period of five years from the initial award notification, the terms associated with an award have not yet been met, the application will be considered to have lapsed. The applicant, however, may reapply to the Publication Fund without prejudice should a contract be issued subsequently.
9. The amount awarded all successful applications will be $2,000, valid for a period of three years.
10. The Publication Committee reviews the award amount and the nature of eligibility periodically, so some of these details may vary over time.
11. Awards will not be made directly to applicants but only by invoice to presses, publishers, illustrators, translators, permissions holders, or others directly associated with the work in question. Such invoices shall be paid only when all conditions outlined above have clearly been met.
12. All publications funded must contain in their acknowledgements: “This publication was subsidized in part by Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature.”
Founded as a graduate program in 1904 and joining with the undergraduate Literature Concentration in 2007, Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature operates at the crossroads of multilingualism, literary study, and media history.
© 2023 President and Fellows of Harvard College
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