2024-2025 Events for Prospective Concentrators

There are various opportunities for prospective concentrators to discover what life in Comparative Literature is all about. 

Prospective Concentrators events for Sophomores and First Year students:

  • Coffee Chats: Feel free to get in touch with one of our undergraduate peer advisors for an informal conversation or coffee chat about life in Comp Lit at any time. They are happy to meet with you and coffee will be on us!
  • Meet informally with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Comparative Literature, Dr. Sandra Naddaff, to discuss our Concentration, our Secondary Field in Comp Lit, or our Secondary Field in Translation Studies, during her office hours. Weekly Office Hours, on Tuesdays, 2:30-3:24 pm, on Zoom or in person. Sign up for your appointment here
  • Poetry Event: Love in Many Languages, February 12, Dana-Palmer Lounge (103). The Department of Comparative Literature cordially invites you to a Celebration of Love Poetry in Many Languages. Bring your favorite love poem about any kind of love from any language (with translation, please).  Sweet treats will be served.  All are welcome!
  • Comp Lit Senior Thesis Panel: Wednesday, April 9, 7:15pm, Thompson Room, Barker Center. Join us at the Senior Thesis Panel to hear about the kind of work students do in Comparative Literature! Refreshments will be served.

Prospective Concentrators events for Sophomores and First Year students:

  • Tuesday, August 13, 4-5pm. What is Comparative Literature? What kind of things do we talk about and study? What would you learn in our courses? Drop by this session to learn more about our program—about reading between different languages and media, and analyzing how different literatures of the world interact. on zoom.
  • Thursday, August 29, 3-4pm: In Person Orientation: Drop by, say hi, and ask questions! Come by and learn more about our program over cookies and drinks! Dana-Palmer House, 16 Quincy Street, Cambridge.
  • Wednesday, September 25, 11:45 am-1 pm, Comp Lit Lunch Open House. Feel free to drop in for even just a few minutes and talk informally with current Concentrators, Secondary Field students in CL or in Translation Studies, Tutors and Faculty. Dana-Palmer House Lounge (103)
  • Tuesday, October 1, 6-6:45pm, Dana-Palmer Seminar Lounge: Join current Concentrators for Pizza to get the inside scoop on the department.
  • Meet informally with our Interim Director of Undergraduate Studies in Comparative Literature, Professor Matylda Figlerowicz, to discuss our Concentration, our Secondary Field in Comp Lit, or our Secondary Field in Translation Studies, during her office hours. Weekly Office Hours, on Thursdays, 1-3 pm, in person. Sign up for your appointment here, or contact Professor Figlerowicz if you need to find another possible meeting time.
  • Coffee Chats: Feel free to get in touch with one of our undergraduate peer advisors for an informal conversation or coffee chat about life in Comp Lit at any time. They are happy to meet with you and coffee will be on us!
  • Visitas Comp Lit Lunch with Concentrators and Faculty: Monday, April 15, 12:45-1:45pm.  Feel free to drop in for even just a few minutes and talk informally with members of the department about the undergraduate Comp Lit program. Dana-Palmer House Lounge (103). Open to First Year Students and to Visitas Students and their Families.
  • Comp Lit Senior Thesis Panel: Tuesday, April 9, 7:00pm, Thompson Room, Barker Center. Join us at the Senior Thesis Panel to hear about the kind of work students do in Comparative Literature! Refreshments will be served.
  • Comp Lit Lunch with Concentrators and Faculty: Wednesday, March 27, 12:30-1:30pm.  Feel free to drop in for even just a few minutes and talk informally with members of the department about the undergraduate Comp Lit program. Dana-Palmer House Lounge (103).
  • Poetry Event: Love in Many Languages, Tuesday, February 13th, 3-4:30pm, Dana-Palmer Seminar Room (102). The Department of Comparative Literature cordially invites you to a Celebration of Love Poetry in Many Languages. Bring your favorite love poem about any kind of love from any language (with translation, please).  Sweet treats will be served.  All are welcome!
  • Meet informally with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Comparative Literature, Dr. Sandra Naddaff, to discuss our Concentration, our Secondary Field in Comp Lit, or our Secondary Field in Translation Studies, during her office hours. Weekly Office Hours, on Tuesdays, 4-5 pm, on Zoom or in person. Sign up for your appointment here