Areas of Study

World Literature



A re-examination of “Lyric” as occasion as well as genre. Central questions to be explored will include: how do the “lyrics” of composed song come alive in performance? For example, how do the two librettists of Puccini’s opera La Bohème contribute to the making of a masterpiece in song? Shared readings include The Lyric Theory Reader: A Critical Anthology, edited by Virginia Jackson and Yopie Prins.

Things I have learned from students who have taken my seminars in Comparative Literature, By Professor Greg Nagy.



Associate Professor of Yiddish Literature

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Office: Dana-Palmer 206

Office Hours: By appointment, see Calendly link

Associate of the Department of Comparative Literature, 2024-2025

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Edward C. Henderson Professor of Chinese Literature and of Comparative Literature

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Office: 2 Divinity Ave. #130A

Office Hours: Wednesday 1-3pm or by appointment

Harry Tuchman Levin Professor in Literature, Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Office: c/o Reischauer Institute CGIS South S222 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA

Office Hours: On Leave 2024-2025

Irving Babbitt Professor of Comparative Literature and English

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Office: Barker Center 265

Office Hours: Spring 2025 TBD

Sangam Professor of South Asian Studies and Comparative Literature

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Office: 1 Bow Street, 336

Office Hours: On sabbatical leave - by appointment only

Areas of Study